Extremely Limited Supply - Possible delays based on availability - Frequently on Backorder
We have a standing backorder with the LFD factory at all times for 20 boxes of Bulls, but we do not know when we will receive shipments of these highly rated and ferociously sought-after cigars. The factory randomly sends them to us as they are available, and we fill pre-existing customer backorders based on the date/time stamp sequence of when the purchase was made on our website.
If we are out of stock when your order is received, which is highly likely, your name will be put in the queue & your order will ship in the sequence it was received when we get our next shipment. When you place your order on our website, you are pre-paying for your cigars and that pre-payment holds your place in the shipping queue. If you do not want to wait for the Bulls, do not place an order. If you do not want to pre-pay for your cigars, do not place an order. If you are OK with prepaying & waiting, please order now.